The highlight of our stay in Ibera was a boat trip across laguna Ibera (the preserve's most visited lake) from Carlos Pellegrini, the nearby town made of quiet sandy streets and a small campsite were we took the boat from.
On the drive there we saw lots of animals!
Capybara |
Marsh deer |
Marsh deer crossing the road
The boat trip was also full of animals
Caiman seen from our boat |
More caiman, a lot more... |
Ismene and a caiman yawning behind her
"Hey, Fred. Let's bomb that boat!"
Me and Ioanna probably discussing something very important, like, what's for dinner
On the way back to the lodge, it was dark and we saw many less animals even though we had Ignacio's flashlight. It was, however, such fun to do a night drive through the national park and Ismene and I took it in turns to shine the flashlight around so we can spot animals. When we got back to the lodge, the cook had prepared a parilla for us (an argentinian barbecue), which was delicious and a brilliant end to our last day in Ibera!
The best parilla |
Hello everyone! Ioni and the girls came to stay with us in Devon (near where your mum and dad had their wedding party!) and told us about your blog, which we are very much enjoying. Don't let those caimans munch your toes, and enjoy the great adventure. Love from Julia and Simon, (friends of your granny!)