Monday, 11 December 2023

Training for the Inka trail

The Colca canyon is where I am beginning to secretly prove to Ioanna and Dan that we can hike the Inca trail to Machu Picchu! What is the Colca canyon I hear you say? Colca canyon is the second deepest canyon in the whole world (3182 meters)! Over three days, we walked 24kms in the canyon, ascending 2150 meters and descending 2150 meters (do you notice anything about those figures?) through mostly shrub land with cactuses around but ending up in flourishing oasis with lush grass, avocado and pomegranate trees (and on our last night a pool!). It was hard, it was really hard but we did it!

The second day was the hardest as it was 8 hours long! It would have been shorter but we took the wrong path and had to double back which meant that it took us an hour longer. On the last day of hiking, we left at 5am and climbed 1000 meters in....wait for it....3 and a half hours! I think that's pretty good, right?

The last evening, we overheard a girl staying in our hostel saying that the Colca canyon trek was as hard as the hardest day on the Inca trail. So do you think we are ready for it? If yes, do tell Dan and Ioanna so. Really do, please!

ps. A lot - and I mean - A LOT of snacks were consumed on the way to keep us going! Annoyingly, despite our best efforts to consume as much food as possible, our backpacks still felt very heavy. But I think that donkeys carry your bags on the Inca trail so surely it would be easier. Or so I hope so :))


  1. Ah it's so lovely to hear about places I remember well - and glad you got to eat ceviche, it was my favourite. Oh and I couldn't agree more about the Inca Trail - from memory Colca Canyon is at higher altitude too (although I only saw it from the top so that may have contributed to the height!). I believe you can do it :-) Much love to you all and have an extra bowl of Ceviche for me. Ioni xx

  2. My goodness that looks seriously hard! and your stats prove that what goes up must come down and vice versa. Good luck and look after your feet. Your blogs come thick and fast, with vivid accounts and great photos - much appreciated by us stay-at-homes. Sal xx
