Monday, 15 January 2024

Swinging to the end of the world


The air whistles past my head as I zoom forward la Casa del Arbol (the Tree House) above me on the daredevil swing! I punch the air and whoop as I go higher than ever before. The scene below me is a green, lush drop and, past that, the space is filled by the Tungurahua which is surrounded again by a misty halo, as if to conceal a mystical palace built up above in the clouds.

Casa del Arbol was originally built as a lookout to check for any volcanic activity from Tungurahua but has now been turned into a tourist attraction with swings to send you flying over the cliffs and a zipline sending you hurling through an avenue lined with plants and flowers. It was our last stop before heading to the Amazon and it was definitely worth stopping for. We even convinced Ioanna to try out the zipline, although it was impossible to get her to change her views about going on the swing! 

Next stop: the edges of the Amazon basin. And I am not at all excited ...NOT!


  1. Clearly we need to up our game at Brook Cottage, with more WOOSH!! What a fantastic height and bravery to take on the daredevil swing. You ain't got a thing, if you ain't got that swing 😉 Super adventures continue. All the best on the next leg. Love from us xxxx

  2. I love the sound of the zipwire. good luck with the next leg of your journey, lots of love, Sal

  3. That swing is famous the world over! I certainly hope they've change the cords tho since Tania and I had go ten years ago! I'm so pleased to see you enjoying yourselves in such special places. What a fantastic blog!
