Sunday 18 August 2024

My best of and special travel awards

Hello everyone! 

We've been back in Bristol for a while now, and it feels...a bit strange. In a good but a strange way. The memories of our trip are so incredible, and to be honest, quite unbelievable. Did we really do all these things? Did we really visit all these places? Did we really meet all these people?

So I thought that it would be kind of cool for my last post, to wrap it all up, and do a few 'best of' lists and to hand out some special travel awards. 

Are you ready? Buckle up, it's going to be a long one, and in no particular order:

Best historical and archaeological sites

Kuelap in Peru

Machu Picchu in Peru

San Agustin in Colombia

Nazca lines in Peru

Caral and Chavin de Huantar in Peru

Best cities

La Paz in Bolivia

Cusco in Peru

Cuenca in Ecuador

Cartagena in Colombia

Medellin in Colombia

Sucre in Bolivia

Santiago in Chile

Best hikes

4 days hike in Machu Picchu in Peru

2 weeks hiking in Cordillera Blanca, Huascaran in Peru

4 days hike in Ciudad Perdida with Dan in Colombia

3 days hike in Colca Canyon in Peru

1 day hike in Cobo de los Andes in Saimaipata, Bolivia

Best wildlife experiences

Too many to list but, if I really really had to pick a few, I would have to say:

Our first taste of really wild wildlife in Ibera National Park in Argentina

Everything about the Galapagos islands in Ecuador

Experiencing the Amazon in Parque Nacional Manu in Peru and Cuyabeno in Ecuador

Spotting jaguars and other animals in the Pantanal in Brazil

Hanging out with sloths in Isla Fuerte (aka the sloth island) in Colombia

Eating mangoes with spectacled bears in Chaparri Ecological Reserve in Peru

(and Dan wanted to add - ticking off 316 species of birds over the trip!)

Best natural wonders

Lake Titicaca
in Bolivia and Peru

San Pedro de Atacama desert in Chile

The Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

The Iguazu falls in Argentina

The Yumbilla waterfall in Peru

The Cloud Forest in Peru

Best National Parks

Ibera National Park in Argentina

The Galapagos islands

Podocarpus National Park in Ecuador

Lauca National Park in Chile

Best Swims

Swimming in the Aguas Negras river in Cuyabeno (Amazon) in Ecuador

Swimming with sea lions, rays and sea turtles on my birthday in Santa Fe in the Galapagos islands

Swimming and diving for the first time in Tintipan island in Colombia

Waterfall swimming in Argentina

Swimming down rivers in Chapada dos Gumaraes in Brazil

Best Places We Stayed At

Wood cabin in Reserva Nacional Malalcahuello in Chile

Pole house in Vilcabamba, Ecuador

Beach hut in Isla Fuerte, Colombia

Best Meals

Again, this is really hard because we had some amazing food but the most memorable meals were:

Moroccan tagine with Kika and Anouar in Colombia

The roast goat we had with Dan in Cachi in Argentina

Eating in a chef's house in La Mojarra in Colombia

La Mar restaurant in Lima with Maro

Best Festivals

Inti Raymi in Cusco, Peru

New Year's Eve celebrations in Cuenca, Ecuador

La Diablada in Pillaro, Ecuador

Carnival in the Galapagos islands, Ecuador

Best Activities

Horse riding in Argentina

Surfing in Peru

Diving in Colombia

Snorkelling and swimming with hammerhead sharks in San Cristobal, Galapagos islands

Skiing in Chile

Cooking in the Amazon, in Cuyabeno, Ecuador

Climbing in La Mojarra in Colombia

Kite flying in Chile

Fishing in the Amazon

There are also some very special awards that I would like to hand out, and thank you's I would like to say:

A special thank you to all the fantastic guides we had in our whole journey. I learnt so much from you and really enjoyed our time together. 

A huge thank you to the top 4 commentators of my blog: Sallie, Chronis, Margaret and Ioni. Thank you so much for reading my blog so frequently and for your lovely comments.

For saving me from having to talk to only Dan, Ioanna and Ismene for a whole year, a big award goes to our friend Maro who made it all the way to Peru! Thank you Maro. We had a great time with you! Don't forget our collection of poems :) Puno???

This trip would never have been possible without the most incredible car ever made: Chiquita! You were an absolute monster, our home for a year and the most fun car to have my very first driving lesson in. 

Also, I would like to hand in some special family awards.

The first one goes to Dan for being the best driver, the most talented packer (the first rule of packing is that you can fit in everything!), the best trip planner and, of course, the greatest chilli sauce-fanatic!!

I have to hand it to Ioanna who cooked all our food, edited my blog and was the best shotgunner and endless snack provider in Chiquita for a whole year. Impressive! Thanks Ioanna! 

I couldn't possibly have survived the year without Ismene, so a special award goes to her for being the silliest, most fun, best friend I could have wished for on our trip.

Not sure if I am allowed to do this, but I would very much like to give an award to myself if I may: for writing this blog! Nothing more to say apart from...131 blog posts!

And, last but not least, an award goes to all of you. THANK YOU FOR READING THE BLOG AND FOR FOLLOWING OUR JOURNEY! 

Here is to more adventure, more travelling and more fun...

Where to next amigos?


  1. Wow! What an incredible experience you have had. It was exciting enough reading each of your posts individually but in a list they sound even more impressive. I can’t believe how fast time goes and that your year away has come to an end already. I think all your awards are very well deserved and you were absolutely right to give yourself one as well.
    We can’t wait to see you all soon and to hear even more about all the adventures you have had. Anna, Arnaud, Jonas and Ellian

  2. Good effort what an amazing selection of posts. Ypu should write a book am seriously impressed that someone of your age. An produce this much quality text. Good effort and look forward to climbing both ypu in Bristol.

  3. Hi Orestis, It feels like you have been away for so long, i would love to go to South America, it must have been awsome. An cant wait to get back to doing some climbing with you. Oscar

  4. sorry i must have pressed publish twice oscar

  5. That's ok. Hope to see you soon and would love to do some climbing with you Orestis.

  6. What an incredible adventure you’ve had Orestis! It is amazing to see it summarised here and to see how your family all played a role in making it work so well. Well done for finding the time to write these blogs, they are entertaining and informative, it’s been great to follow your trip and will be so lovely for you to look back on in years to come. I hope you are enjoying rediscovering favourite haunts in Bristol, as well as reconnecting with friends. We look forward to seeing you all on our return from holiday (Sally, Rob, Marina & Ottilie at no 3)

  7. So many amazing memories! A huge well done to you Orestis, for writing this wonderful blog. We can't wait to her about your trip when we see you again in Bristol.
    Avra, Mikey, Georgia and Demetris

  8. Wauw wauw wauw! It's unbelievable! It is very inspiring that you made this list. I think it is a very nice reality check, like you write: "did we do all of this?!". And then to believe that there is so much more!
    What I missed in the list:
    The funniest moments, with offcourse a detailed description of what happened. I'm really sure that there must be so many.

    We really really hope you guys are doing great and hope to meet again one day!
    With Love,
    Jasper, Lonneke & baby Josse.

  9. We are so happy to read this article and all your tips. @talk2thewrld
